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(Development + Operation)

What is DevOps??

DevOps is a development method that creates a collaborative environment for development and operation. It uses a combination of automated tools to provide high-quality services to customers at a faster rate.

The Need for DevOps


Use the agile software development method.

Speed up your work and enjoy more flexibility in responding to market changes and consumer needs.

Manage the life cycle of applications.

Automate the process from building to distribution.

Increase the frequency and speed of releases dramatically.


Offer a more reliable and positive experience to customers through fast fixes of software bugs.

Lower the frequency of bugs through standardized development processes and testing.

Offer a stable service through monitoring and log analysis.

Provide insights based on analysis of customer needs


Offer a more reliable and positive experience to customers through fast fixes of software bugs.

Lower the frequency of bugs through standardized development processes and testing.

Offer a stable service through monitoring and log analysis.

Provide insights based on analysis of customer needs


Improve the productivity of an entire organization through efficient task management and distribution.

Manage projects with schematic models and view progress and results at a glance.

Increase efficiency through integration between automated tools in the message process
(quick feedback and fixes)

Enhance collaboration

Achieve Silo-free, fast decision making through communication between development and operation

Enable rapid service delivery and problem-solving.

Share the best practices across organizations to increase positive synergy and waste fewer resources.

DevOps Enterprise Toolchain

Our DevOps consultants provide consulting and application build services from Tangunsoft’s standardized and end-to-end DevOps Enterprise Toolchain to customized service deployments that meet customer requirements.


Provide various features ranging from adding and modifying product tools to bug management and project management.

Prototype and Design

Establish an improvement strategy by identifying problems quickly through a model that works like an actual service before developing a program.


Provide an environment where all the tasks involved in software development—package including, source code editing, compiling, debugging, remote server access, binary distribution, etc.—are handled in a single program.

Version Control

Manage digital documents such as source code and blueprints that are being developed on a team-by-team basis in software development.

Build & Test

Automate application builds and tests to deliver applications to customers in a shorter cycle.


Better manage the results generated by project builds in a software development project.


Allocate, displace, and distribute infrastructure resources based on pre-configuration to meet users’ or businesses’ needs.


Provide additional or modified services to consumers by delivering artifacts to the Cloud or On-Premise and reflecting those in the service.


Provide status and report information for applications, servers, and network status, and alert administrators when errors or set events occur.


Corporate messenger and collaboration tools that allow users to view past business history or integrate with external software to receive notifications or reports of specified situations.

Tangunsoft’s Experience


19 years of experience in handling overseas software development tools, open source, and components.

Proven experience

Plenty of experience in delivering services to meet the needs of a wide range of customers.

We offer a customized ToolChain for customer environments, from start-ups to large companies.

Tangunsoft’s Services

Status analysis consulting

We provide status analysis through interviews with developers and IT administrators.

Open source product comparison

We share our knowledge and experience through admin training programs.

DevOps design

Compare and design various open source and DevOps solutions in each stage of development


Build solution environments to meet entire requirements or partial DevOps requirements

Open source integration

Offer technical support to sync DevOps solutions and open source in each stage



Prevent risk factors at an early stage


Check the quality of open source

Offer optimization for DevOps via integration and automation


Provide reports on security, licensing, and quality.

Solve possible issues through constant monitoring